By Brian West

Reading remains one of the most popular free time activities in the world. Avid readers simply cannot imagine their lives without the ability to read. Romantic works remain one of the most popular genres in the world, despite the fact that critics often describe them as shallow trash. Fans of this genre will find that romance novel reviews can help them select the works that are most likely to appeal to them.

One of the reasons why romantic literature remains so popular is because it allows readers to escape into worlds where they want themselves to be. Romantic stories may be pure escapism, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape, at least for a little while, to a make belief world where everything works out just the way it should be, at least at the end.

Their are many sites on the internet focusing on book reviews. Most reviewers blog their opinions and some of them are quite influential. Some reviewers will publish opinions on works from any genre, but many focus on a very specific field, such as romantic works. There are even many types of romantic publications and some reviewers will only publish critiques on a very specific area of interest.

The traditional romantic book focus on a heroin and a hero that overcomes many obstacles to find happiness together. This type of story still enjoy a huge share of the market. However, romantic writing has broadened its horizons to include works that focus on the darker sides of love, gay love and even love that is not condoned by society and most certainly not by religious groups.

Reviewing new publications is not as simple as expressing a personal opinion. Reviewers have to keep their target audiences in mind. Their comments must therefore make it very clear what type of work it is that they are reviewing right from the outset. If it is a hardcore work containing explicit descriptions of sex, for example, many people would take offence and that is why it is necessary to briefly describe the type of romantic story that is reviewed.

An opinion about a new publication should never give the plot away. This will spoil the story for potential readers. The reviewer should rather focus on the literary aspects of the work, commenting on the plot, the believability of the characters and the style of writing. A summary, similar to what one would find on the flyleaf of a book can also be included.

Reviewers also know not to judge the taste of their readers. They have to remain objective and they need to keep in mind that millions of people may actually enjoy a publication that they personally find lacking or even reprehensible. Reviewers write for ordinary readers, not for literary experts and they should never forget this.

Romantic works will continue to be popular because there will always be people who want to believe on love and that want to escape from their ordinary lives. One only has to peruse a bookshop to see just how popular this genre is. There is nothing wrong with dreaming about a romantic story. In fact, it may even be psychologically healthy.

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