I have been in business for years and I have learnt some great strategies that I implement in my business today. If you want to be successful read and use these strategies that will help your business.
I will warn you that these strategies are more about You, they are what is needed in your Business. They will work in all areas of your life.

Ask Questions and Learn. Be open minded.
I have always been interested in successful people.
How did they do it?

What makes them different? Whether it's in Business, Marriage or Parenting, some people just seem to have it!

What do they do that makes them successful?
From studying these types of people, the number one thing I learnt was:

How easy is that. Just ask them and they will be happy to answer you. As the old saying goes - If you don't ask, you don't know.

The next big thing I learnt was when I asked them questions, I then needed to LISTEN. If I listened then I would LEARN.

Be opened minded when asking your questions, this will help you to listen and learn much more quickly. You will learn new techniques and strategies that you can then go and try yourself. It's OK to try new and different strategies, if they don't work for you, and then move onto the next strategy.


LISTEN, Be approachable and Don't Talk.
I know I just mentioned the LISTEN thing, but I am going to say it again. Successful people can't be bothered sharing their success if you are Talking and trying to prove yourself to them. This is again the Ego coming out.

You can't learn if you are trying to prove who you are and what you have done, be open minded and pay attention. You don't need to give your opinions or suggestions either. These people know what they are doing, that's why they are successful.

I have spent time with multi-millionaires and rest assured they will soon put you in your place if they feel you are wasting their time or your trying to offer your opinions.

By the way the rich are the most generous people I have ever met, they are happy to give you advice, they give lots of money to charity, they pay taxes, they employee people. So when I hear people saying they that are mean or greedy, then those people are ignorant and have their own issues to deal with. Rich people may come across a little arrogant, but it's not that at all, it's more that they are more centred, focused and clear on their direction in life. How many people do you know that just plod through life with no real goal or passion.

I am quite often telling my 11 year old daughter to just Stop Talking and Listen, how can you learn if you're talking? You were given two ears and one mouth, so you're supposed to listen more and pay attention.


Follow Successful People and Follow Instructions
Now we have gone over the Ask Questions, be opened minded in your learning, listen, pay attention to what is being said and don't talk, don't offer your opinions or suggestions.

That all sounds very easy, Ask Questions, Listen and Learn and so on... But what I have found it sometimes our Ego's are so big that we won't ask the question because we think that others will think we have a problem or we are not as educated as that person. What worse, getting things wrong, not learning from the mistakes and living with an unhappy you, all because we are on a big ego trip. Keep a close eye on your Ego, sometimes it has it's place, but when it comes to being successful in Business, it's not needed when we want to learn.

Be aware of your Ego.
The next big lesson is who do we ask?
It's OK to go around asking lots of people how to do things, but make sure your actually asking the right people. I see it all the time, a young man wants to own his own house, so he asks his family - parents and relatives about owing a house when they Rent. How can these people offer advice on owing a house, when they haven't done it before. What would they know about going to the bank? What type of house to purchase? What's the best area? What's a good price? Real estate contracts? The list goes on.

Can you see the point I am trying to make here, you don't go and ask a Doctor how to fix your car, you don't go and ask a Mechanic to do Heart Surgery on you, why would you as, your friends about Investing, Buying Houses, Business Strategies, Sales and Marketing if they don't do any of this, if they are Experts in one of these fields, then yes go and ask them. To many times I see people asking the wrong people, they go and make a mistake and then blame everyone else.

I have been training with some of the best experts in the world. I have experts in the field of mindset, meditation, business, exercise, accountants, lawyers etc. I pick these people because they know what they are doing. I ask them lots of questions and try their methods.

How many of us don't ask for help often enough?
Here is a great example of when our ego's get the better of us, relationship problems! How many of us go and ask for help! We don't want people to think we are having problems, we don't want people to think we have to go to a Marriage Counsellor. We would rather live a lie, be unhappy or have the relationship split because of us not being able to ask for help.

Now that we are over the asking questions! Go out and ask some questions and get your answers. Now here the next thing, how many times do we ask the question and get the answer and then don't like the answer. We go off and do what we have been doing anyway, or we try to reinvent the wheel and make more mistakes, take more time and end up losing anyway. Why not copy the experts, do what is working. It's a lot easier and less time consuming. Why would you want to actually spend the time trying to do something completely different that may not work.

When I go to my Business Group every year, we learn from each other, what is working what is not. These people if they tell you something you listen and do it. Don't change things. It's your Ego that comes in to tell you that you should do things differently, acknowledge that the Ego is getting involved, but keep doing what you have been told to do. Just get it done!

I'm going to tell you know, if you want to play with the Entrepreneurs, do what they say, they will delete you very quickly, if they know you are not in it for real.

Lastly, the most important, educate yourself. You can't become massively rich and not invest in yourself. You may become rich, but you will lose it, because you haven't invested the time and education into yourself. Educate all the important area's. It's important to have a life balance - Financial, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional.

You don't have to be perfect in all of these areas, you just need to be moving forward in these areas for your true happiness. It will all come together. If you are working with Entrepreneurs, they will all tell you, you need to be coming from being Aware, having that inner peace to make decisions. This might all sound a bit heavy now, but rest assured as you pursue and learn, it will all make sense.
Take the time to learn the Financial Strategies, but also take the time to learn the Structure and that's all about you. Changing your mindset, being comfortable with being rich and happy. Can you understand that for anything to happen you have to believe that it's true.

Example: If you have a thought pattern: "Rich are scammers or I will lose my friends if I become rich". Then you most likely won't become Rich because you are you are wanting one thing and believing another, you have crossed your beliefs and values. The great news is, you can change and create new values and beliefs.

Take a look around, how many people do you know that are wanting security and protection, they are all living basically the same, plodding through life with no direction. Let me tell you that around 98% of the population is like this. The Rich are not, they don't need security. Society trains people to be employed, live on credit, work till retirement and then die. That's the cold hard facts. A good example is the banks, they want you to have loans and credit cards, because then they know they have you for a long long time. The Rich don't do this. They know how to make money to invest in more money making ventures.

Live your Life DELIBERATELY!
Here is the last part I want to give you, enjoy and come and join me on the adventure of a life time.
  • You deserve to be Rich and Happy
  • You were not intended for being average or mediocre
  • You should be living your life to the fullest
  • You are designed for bigger and better than what you are living now
  • You will Take ACTION now and take steps to change your life
  • You should be teaching your children to be everything that they can, they deserve it, they don't want to be average
  • You will have no debt, sadness or confusion
  • You will have HAPPINESS? Everything will fall into place from moving in that direction.
Do something today, otherwise tomorrow will still be the same as today!
Did you know that if you just take the steps towards changing, new people and opportunities will open up to you. The universe will help you with your path, but you have to choose to change, you have to take action to change.
  • Everyday, spent a couple of minutes visualizing your new life, that you already have this new life, relationships, money, freedom, passionate about work, healthy and fit and so on. Really feel what that would be like, the self esteem, the confidence, the clarity, the inner happiness and so on.
Take this and go for it, YOU CAN and YOU WILL.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6120108


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