Can you succeed on the internet without buying the expensive courses and other products that are put on offer every few months or so? Yes; for several reasons.
     The cheaper courses are usually much shorter than the mega products that cost a fortune. You are more likely to read or listen to them.
     Of course, you may not read either the bigger or the shorter courses. Most people don't! However, you will probably find it easier to, at least, start studying a shorter course.
     You may become one of the very few who actually finish reading the course right through. You may even become one of the elite who actually go on to apply what they have read about.
     When a big product is sold at a high price, you will see a photograph of the product laid out on the floor or on a table. There will be rows of sophisticated looking CD's or DVD's at the top of the layout. Then there will be audio tapes in serried ranks and finally books, manuals and reports galore.
     This all looks very impressive but it also provides a mountain to climb. Who has the time or the patience to read or listen to that lot? Where do you start? To be fair, some product creators do provide a quick start guide.
     But then, why not just sell the quick start guide separately for those who cannot afford the whole kit and caboodle?
     Again to be fair, some product developers do just that. Recently one established marketer has sold or allowed to be sold the heart of his great marketing product separately. You can now buy this much more cheaply than the original mega product. I have bought it but not read it!
     Another reason for buying the cheaper products is that you will then have enough money to buy the software, the hosting, the auto-responder system and even the computer and bandwidth that you will need to make your internet marketing a success.
     You may even be able to pay a mentor to guide you and motivate you along the path to internet marketing success. A good mentor is probably worth much more than the most expensive marketing product.
     A thoughtful mentor will still allow you plenty of choice to allow you to follow your own interests during the mentoring program. A mentor will set deadlines which compel you to get a move on. I have just completed writing 6 articles
in about 24 hours to meet the deadline set by my current mentor.
     No sooner had I written my six articles, than she demanded another six! I have now finished two of the second six. This must be a record I would have never achieved on my own. I feel I should pay her more than she is getting or perhaps she should be paying me!
     A cheaper product may be an older product which once cost a fortune but which is now cheaper because it is partly out of date thanks to the rapid changes to the internet.
     Some parts of it may be out of date but other parts will not be out of date. For example any advice on copywriting is usually valuable for a long time since human nature does not change as fast as the internet.
     Many copywriters rave about the copywriters of the early 20th century and read them for inspiration and information.
     People still want what they wanted half a century ago. It is also enlightening to see how things have changed since the original copywriters mesmerized their readers..
     There is also a chance that what was once out of date makes a comeback. For example, I read recently that banner ads are now more popular than they have been recently. In fact, some argue that they have never been away.
     We can conclude that you are more likely, then, to study or use a cheaper product than a mega product which costs the earth. You will have enough money left over to pay for the essentials of internet marketing like web hosting.
     You may even be able to afford a mentor. An expensive course will not complain if you leave it on the shelf but a mentor will not allow you to leave your projects on the shelf. You will soon find out that you can achieve far more than you thought you could.
     Beware, however, of mentors who charge the earth and demand a cut of your future profits. How will you ever know what profits you owe to them and which profits you owe to your own increasing skill and knowledge?
     You will find treasure still in some of the older products which have now become much cheaper.
     If you actually read and make use of the cheaper products available, you will eventually have made enough money to buy the more expensive products.
     You may even end up flying around the world to attend internet marketing seminars in the USA, the UK, Australia and elsewhere. You might be asked to explain your success from the platform.
     You could even end up on that proverbial beach sipping your favorite drink and watching the sun go down as you listen to the waves lapping along the shore line.
You can also read about all these aspects of internet marketing at his blog at
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